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KYBELLA is an FDA-approved injectable that targets the dreaded double chin. KYBELLA is made basically from deoxycholic acid, which occurs naturally in humans. In the body, deoxycholic acid aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected under the chin, KYBELLA’s deoxycholic acid does the same thing. This slims the patient’s profile. KYBELLA is given in a series of up to six injection sessions.

The Benefits Of KYBELLA

Double chins have always been very difficult to address. Exercises don’t remove the fat. Short of starvation, dietary changes don’t touch it. It’s been the job of surgery to remedy a double chin: neck lifts, facelifts, or liposuction. All are invasive procedures.

How Long Does a KYBELLA Procedure Take?

The procedure only takes a few minutes for each session. KYBELLA gets rid of the fat without the invasiveness of the other options.

What Areas Can Be Treated With KYBELLA?

KYBELLA has only received FDA approval for use in treating double chins. Thanks to the fat-destroying mechanism of KYBELLA’s deoxycholic acid, it’s assumed it will be approved for other areas in the coming years. It is being tested for other areas currently.

Who Is A Good Candidate For KYBELLA Injections?

Whether or not KYBELLA is right for you depends on what’s going on under your chin. If your double chin is due to accumulated fat that is weighing down the skin, then KYBELLA is perfect to go after that fat and slim your profile.

However, if your double chin is not due to fat but is more a case of sagging, loose skin, then KYBELLA won’t help you. For these patients, a neck lift or lower facelift would be a better option, as those surgeries focus on removing excess sagging skin and tightening the area.

How Does KYBELLA Work?

KYBELLA is a simple idea. It is basically deoxycholic acid. As mentioned above, in the body, deoxycholic acid helps break down dietary fat from the foods we eat. You can see where this is going. Deoxycholic acid doesn’t differentiate between fat that you eat or fat that has accumulated under your chin. When KYBELLA is injected into the fat beneath your chin, it breaks down the fat cells, just as it does with ingested fat. Once these fat cells are destroyed, not only does your profile return to a much slimmer, tighter appearance, but the ability to store future fat in the area is diminished because the fat cells are gone. This means that your double chin is gone for good, as long as you don’t put on a bunch of weight down the road.

How Many People Have Been Treated With KYBELLA?

KYBELLA has been the central focus in over 20 clinical studies in which more than 1600 people were treated.

How Long Does It Take To See Results From KYBELLA?

Results are not immediate, as the deoxycholic acid needs to get to work breaking down the fat in the injected areas. Typically, there is some initial swelling; this is especially true after the first couple of injection sessions. Swelling is also greater the more fat the patient has under his or her chin. Swelling will usually run its course in from two days to two weeks. Then you’ll notice your profile continuing to tighten as more and more fat cells are broken down and removed by your body’s lymphatic system.

How Many Kybella® Treatments Will I Need?

There are very few side effects associated with dermal filler injections when treatment is provided by a trained, licensed professional. On rare occasions, fillers have led to significant swelling or other complications. This is not because of the product but because of performance. We cannot stress enough how important it is to choose your dermal filler provider carefully.

The most common side effects that occur after injectable treatments are minor swelling and redness. Some people notice subtle bruising. Each of these effects typically fades within a few hours.

Will I Have Scarring From KYBELLA Injections?

KYBELLA doesn’t create any incisions. There are no scars.

How Long Will My Results From KYBELLA Last?

KYBELLA gets rid of fat under your chin permanently. Once that fat is gone, there is limited ability to store fat in the area in the future. There is no need for maintenance treatments. Your skin can still sag somewhat with additional aging, but your new profile will remain much tighter for the long haul.

Is KYBELLA Expensive?

The cost of KYBELLA varies from provider to provider but if you want to save money on the overall cost of KYBELLA then enroll in the Brilliant Distinctions Rewards Program which will allow you to earn points on each treatment and redeem them for savings on future treatments.

What Are The Side Effects With KYBELLA?

The potential side effects with KYBELLA are similar to those with dermal fillers. All side effects have proven very rare, however. They include nerve injury in the jaw that can create an uneven smile, trouble swallowing, and some weakness in the surrounding facial muscles. In clinical studies with 1600 patients, these side effects were not long-term, but they did not resolve immediately.

These are the common side effects after treatment and resolve themselves:

Dr. Babbitt is an excellent doctor. He spends time with you, will answer all questions, and never makes you feel rushed. Doctor Babbitt also will not have you spend unnecessary money if it is not needed. He cares about his patients and has all the ingredients of being a wonderful doctor. I would highly recommend Dr. Babbitt to my family and friends.

Actual Patient

Call Today For KYBELLA Treatment!

For more information on KYBELLA treatments or to schedule your appointment today, call Plastic Surgery of Southern New England 508-567-3202. Our practice serves Fall River, MA and the surrounding areas of Southern New England.

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