How to Tell When Breast Implants Need to Be Replaced

Enhancing one’s bust with breast augmentation can provide many women with a boost in self-confidence, but it is important to remember that breast implants are not lifetime devices. By understanding when your implants may need to be replaced, you can maintain your desired look and minimize the risk of complications.  To provide an overview of…

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Why Are My Breasts Uneven?

Having breasts that differ in size or shape is common for more than half of all women. While there are several reasons women may develop uneven breasts, most of the time the contrast is usually not a cause for concern. Below, our highly experienced Fall River plastic surgeon, Dr. Russell Babbitt, explains why breasts can…

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Female health check awareness.

Reconstruction After Breast Cancer

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month – a time to not only be on the lookout for cancer but also to celebrate the overcoming of this disease. If you have lost a breast or breast tissue because of breast cancer, you should know that breast reconstruction surgery is a possible option. Every patient who has been…

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young sexy woman in red bra gesturing hush

4 Myths About Breast Implants

If you’re thinking about a procedure such as breast implants, you have probably read some scary stories on the internet, and you’ve probably heard a few “such and such happened to my cousin’s wife’s sister” type stories as well. The staff at the Plastic Surgery Center of Southern New England is always here to answer…

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Breast Implant Illness and the En Bloc Capsulectomy

Women have the right to choose to undergo breast augmentation, provided they are found to be a good candidate for the surgery. Similarly, if a woman wants to have her implants removed, (and it is safe to do so) she has the right to choose to have them removed, regardless of her reason for doing so….

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​​Can I breastfeed after a breast procedure?

If you are considering a breast procedure, you no doubt have many questions. You may be concerned about how such a procedure may affect your future pregnancies and your ability to breastfeed, and also how these events may affect any procedure you have had done. Read on for some information about what a breast procedure…

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Correcting Breast Asymmetry

It is very common for a woman to have two breasts that are very different from each other! However, knowing this doesn’t help much if your breasts aren’t exactly the same and it is making you feel self-conscious. It can also make it difficult to find bras and clothes that fit you just right. Maybe…

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Your choices in breast implants

When it comes to choosing the implants for your breast augmentation, you’ll find that you have several options when it comes to type, size and shape. Here, we break down the differences in implant types to help you understand your options and help you prepare for your consultation with your plastic surgeon. Silicone gel implants…

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Top Reasons to Get Breast Implants

There are many reasons why women may want to get breast implants. While the most obvious being simply for larger breasts, there are actually many other reasons women might consider this procedure. From aesthetic purposes to more medical motives, we’ve compiled a list that you may not have thought about before. You lost a lot…

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