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Get rid of stubborn fat with liposuction

Many people have certain areas of their bodies where they have stubborn fat pockets that won’t go away, even with diet and exercise. If you’re at or near your ideal weight, you may be considering liposuction to get rid of that stubborn fat. Read on to learn more about this popular minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that can deliver a slimmer contour that’s in better proportion to the rest of your body.

What is liposuction?

The most common liposuction procedure is called tumescent liposuction. A solution made of saline and epinephrine is injected through small incisions in the treatment area. This causes the tissue to swell up and become firm, making it easier to remove the cannula tube. This technique minimizes blood loss as the epinephrine will constrict blood vessels.

Liposuction is an outpatient procedure that can take 1-2 hours depending on the size and number of areas being treated.

Who is a good candidate?

You may be an ideal candidate for liposuction if you have localized stubborn fat pockets and you’re in good overall health and at or near your ideal body weight. It is not an effective method for weight loss, eliminating cellulite or tightening loose, sagging skin.

What areas on the body can be treated with liposuction?

The most common treatment areas for liposuction include the abdomen, thighs, back, arms, hips, chest, calves, ankles and even the face. This popular procedure is often done in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures such as abdominoplasty.

What can I expect during recovery?

Patients who undergo liposuction can expect to experience some mild swelling, discomfort, and some bruising in the areas that were treated. By wearing compression garments or bandages, you can reduce swelling and pain, all while maximizing results. You can return to work within a week, but should avoid strenuous exercise and other activities for a few weeks.

The results from liposuction can have tremendous impact on your self-confidence.

If you’re interested in learning whether you’re a candidate for this procedure, call (508) 567-3202 today to set up a consultation.

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