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Tummy Tuck Tips

A tummy tuck (also known as “abdominoplasty”) is a great way to feel amazing and find a whole new sense of self-confidence. If you are considering a tummy tuck, there are some things you can do, both before and after the procedure, to make it a success and help you achieve your plastic surgery goals.

Eat healthy

It is true that a tummy tuck is a procedure to remove excess fat and skin. However, you shouldn’t take this to mean that you can go ahead and eat lots of fattening foods before the procedure. You need to eat healthy, with low fat and high protein foods, in order to be in the best of health and ready for your tummy tuck.

Stay active

Getting into shape before a tummy tuck can help your body heal faster. Take a walk, join in a yoga class, or even go dancing – as long as it is enjoyable, regular exercise.

Follow your doctor’s instructions

Of course, your doctor will give you specifics on what you should be doing to prepare, but here are some general things to remember: you should stop taking anti-inflammatory medications (such as aspirin and ibuprofen) a couple of weeks before the surgery, as well as any herbal medications or supplements. You should also stop smoking, which can increase the risk of complications, weaken your immune system, and slow down the healing process.

Get support

Make sure that you have someone to help you after the surgery. You may not remember when you are supposed to take your medications and other post-procedure details, so it’s a good idea to have someone there to take care of you.

Prepare beforehand for your recovery

Before the procedure, stock up on healthy, easy-to-prepare foods – you may even want to make a few meals ahead of time. Make sure you have a comfy spot all ready for your recovery period, with the remote, a favorite book, and snacks within reach.

The staff at the Plastic Surgery Center of Southern New England in Fall River is ready to answer any questions you may have about your upcoming tummy tuck procedure and what you should do afterwards. Call (508) 567-3202 today!

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