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Double Chin? Kybella Can Help

african american face neck smallDouble chin got you down? Because you can’t control which areas you lose weight from, double chins can be hard to get rid of, but not anymore! The technical term for a double chin is “submental fullness” and great news, there’s a way to get rid of that submental fullness. Let us introduce you to Kybella.

How does Kybella work?

Kybella is an FDA-approved drug made to mimic a naturally-occurring compound in your body called deoxycholic acid that helps to absorb and eliminate fats. The treatment itself happens through a series of non-surgical injections. That means there are no incisions needed and the downtime is usually minimal.

Am I a good candidate for Kybella?

Unlike other procedures, there aren’t many requirements to qualify for Kybella. The main criteria being that you’re over the age of 18 and have excess fat under your chin that you’d like removed.

How many treatments are needed to see results?

In most cases, patients find that they only need two or three rounds of Kybella to get the look that they want. Discuss with your doctor what specifically bothers you about your submental fullness to determine how many sessions will be needed. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes per treatment session. Your doctor will choose several injection sites where Kybella is given. This process will then be repeated one to three months later.

Are there any side effects?

Like any medical procedure, there are some possible but relatively minor side effects. Some of these side effects include:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Numbness
  • Bruising
  • Residual pain
  • Areas of hardness in the treatment area

Most of these possible side effects are minor and go away on their own. If you’re worried about any of the symptoms you’re experiencing, give our office a call. The overall recovery time from Kybella is one month.

How long will my results last?

It takes most patients about 12 weeks or at least 2 sessions to see noticeable changes. After six months, your results should be complete and long-lasting if not permanent.

Those are some of the basics of Kybella. If you have more questions or would like to schedule a consultation with us at the Plastic Surgery Center of South New England, give us a call at (508) 567-3202.

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